letters A-Z are in variable "A" and numbers 0-9 are in variable "B"

(at the end i optionally flip the data upside down depending on design)

A =    [252,18 ,17,  18,252];
A = [A;[255,137,137,137,118]];
A = [A;[126,129,129,129, 66]];
A = [A;[255,129,129, 66, 60]];
A = [A;[255,137,137,129,  0]];
A = [A;[255,  9,  9,  1,  0]];
A = [A;[126,129,145, 81,242]];
A = [A;[255, 16, 16, 16,255]];
A = [A;[129,255,129,  0,  0]];
A = [A;[ 64,128,129,127,  1]];
A = [A;[255, 24, 36, 66,129]];
A = [A;[255,128,128,128,  0]];
A = [A;[255,  2, 12,  2,255]];
A = [A;[255,  6, 24, 96,255]];
A = [A;[126,129,129,129,126]];
A = [A;[255, 17, 17, 17, 14]];
A = [A;[126,129,161, 65,190]];
A = [A;[255, 17, 17, 49,206]];
A = [A;[ 78,137,137,137,114]];
A = [A;[  1,  1,255,  1,  1]];
A = [A;[127,128,128,128,127]];
A = [A;[ 31, 96,128, 96, 31]];
A = [A;[ 63,192, 56,192, 63]];
A = [A;[195, 36, 24, 36,195]];
A = [A;[  7,  8,240,  8,  7]];
A = [A;[225,145,137,133,131]];

B =    [126,135,153,255,126];
B = [B;[130,255,128,  0,  0]];
B = [B;[198,161,145,137,134]];
B = [B;[ 66,129,137,137,118]];
B = [B;[ 56, 36, 34,255, 32]];
B = [B;[ 79,137,137,137,113]];
B = [B;[126,137,137,137,113]];
B = [B;[  1,  1,241, 13,  3]];
B = [B;[118,137,137,137,118]];
B = [B;[ 14, 17, 17, 17,255]];

for k=1:26
  bits = flipud(byte(a));
  dis(' ')

for k=1:10
  bits = flipud(byte(b));
  dis(' ')