
bash$~/mathcexamples> gcc meminfo.c 
bash$~/mathcexamples> ./a.out 
sizeof char                  : 1
sizeof short                 : 2
sizeof int                   : 4
sizeof long                  : 4
sizeof long long             : 8

sizeof float                 : 4
sizeof double                : 8
sizeof long double           : 12

sizeof *                     : 4

address of external_int      : 0000000008049a0c
address of external_function : 00000000080484c0
address of printf            : 00000000080483dc
address of main              : 00000000080484e0
address of malloc            : 00000000080483ec
address of internal_int      : 00000000bffffdbc
address of internal_int_ptr  : 00000000bffffdb8
address of malloc'ed area    : 0000000008049a18
value of -1                  : 00000000ffffffff