Criminalization of privacy violations

There has been an effort to criminize the copying of software, making analogies to terms like ``piracy'' which denote mass murder. This effort attempts to define an equivalence class between people who copy disks and mass murderers.

However, invasions of privacy continue to exist in the abstract world of mild mannered defenses, primarily within the domain of civil rather than criminal law.

Yet if copying software really is ``theft'' why do we not also have the notion that the proliferation of face scanning cameras could also be theft?

Are human beings not worth at least as much as books, music, and computer programs? Are we not at least as valuable as the minisucule artifacts we produce?

A goal of World Subjectrights Foundation is to criminalize invasions of privacy, at least with regards to common perception, and ideally also in the legal framework.

One construct of WSF is that of Humanistic Property, in which that which we give off simply by being human is afforded at least the same degree of protection as that which we deliberately produce. However, WSF's effort is not limited to the use of propertarian philosophy. Other analogies and constructs, such as that of informatic rape, are also being used.

A goal of WSF is to have the violation of privacy considered to be a serious crime, and not just a matter to be treated lightly.

One of the major problems with this approach is the fact that the perpetrators are often the same people who make and enforce the laws.

Therefore, this criminalization may need to either take place outside the local national legal framework, or it may need to make very fundamental changes in the legal framework by introducing an element of accountability, wherein a legal framework can pass sanctions against itself.